2/2 way normally open solenoid valve, direct acting solenoid valve, gas general solenoid valve, solenoid valve, copper, bonavalve solenoid valve used in medical equipment, solar energy, cleaning equipment, food machinery, welding and cutting, fire safety, bio pharmaceuticals, medical equipment, rubber machinery, clothing equipment, drying equipment, pharmaceutical, HVAC air conditioning, electroplating machinery manufacturing industries. Automatic control of water, hot water and gas.
Port Size:(接口口径)
Female G1/8"
Body material:(阀体材质)
Seal ring material:(密封材质)
NBR, EPDM etc.
Max Media Temperature:(介质温度)
Voltage available:(可选电压)
12VAC; DC 12V; 24V/50;DC 24V; 110/120VAC; 220/230VAC